Pregnancy Page came about due to the large amount of information that Marilyn Vine received on this subject.
Falling pregnant is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life or at least it was for me and my husband. I tried very hard to do all the right things for my unborn fetus and I wish I knew then what I know now!
This is one of the reasons I have put this page together as many women seek information on the internet at this time of their life.
I can’t believe that in 2014 I am reading about “new” research that advises that ginger “can relieve premenstrual pain and associated symptoms, without some of the side effects associated with NSAIDs”. And now in February 2022 I am reading about the heavy metals, etc being found in baby foods!
I will be 80 soon and when I was a young girl and
experienced any discomfort from a period we were immediately sent to the
Physical Education teacher who gave you a glass of warm water with ginger to
solve the problem! Read the latest information
Pregnant women need to know the truth about breastfeeding ”Mother’s milk, time-tested for millions of years, is the best nutrient for babies because it is nature’s perfect food.” – Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Even, the World Health Organization admits that “if every child was breastfed within an hour of birth, given only breast milk for their first six months of life, and continued breastfeeding up to the age of two years, about 800 000 child lives would be saved every year.’ If you ask me, that’s an awesome statement – which validates the value of breastfeeding.
Marilyn believes that many of the articles found below and sourced from third party contain vital information for you and your unborn child. Make sure you check out the Fluoride pages to see all the information pertaining to the lowering of IQ which is believed to be the result of pregnant women ingesting fluoridated water. Fluoridated water is not naturally occurring fluoride but a waste product from industry and contains many heavy metals which are undesirable.
Activist Post dated 1 September 2023 published this article “Microwaving Baby Food Containers Releases BILLIONS of Harmful Plastic Particles”
Parents should think twice before microwaving plastic baby food containers. Researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln say that could release billions of tiny plastic particles into the food. Their study finds some containers released over two billion nanoplastics and four million microplastics per square centimeter when users exposed their containers to microwaves.
The health implications of consuming such micro and nanoplastics remain uncertain, but the study observed a significant impact on cultured embryonic kidney cells. After exposure to these plastic particles, around 75 percent of these cells died within two days. Given the potential risks, a 2022 report from the World Health Organization advised limiting exposure to these particles.
Please make sure you read the entire article.
Pregnancy page brings a warning that the Australian Government is coming after your babies!
Natural News dated 30 March 2022 published this alarming story “Australia launches $1 billion program to “vaccinate” BABIES and young children for covid”.
The Australian government has extended its national vaccine rollout for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to include $1 billion of additional funding for injecting young children and babies.
While the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) has only recommended the injections for children five years of age and older, Australian politicians have decided that they know better what the immune systems of little ones require.
“The global pandemic is not over,” declared Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, a self-proclaimed expert in immunology, during a recent budget speech.
As of now, no country on earth has approved Fauci Flu shots for children under age five. Australia would be the first to do so
On 16 February 2022 News Target presented this article which I am posting in my pregnancy page “Baby food companies are exposing your children to heavy metals, warns congressional report and Consumer Reports: Beech-Nut, Gerber and more knowingly keep problematic products on the market”.
Popular baby food companies like Beech-Nut and Gerber have been selling products with concerning levels of toxic metals. Different baby food products are found to contain toxic heavy metals like cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic, but the highest amounts are in those that contain sweet potato, rice and juice.
Although heavy metals have been found in foods due to water and soil contamination, their levels in baby food are especially of great concern as they can affect child development. Exposure to heavy metals at an early age has been linked to behavioral problems, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and low IQ.
There are several concerns raised from data provided by four baby food companies, one of which is that the high levels of heavy metals in some products exceed regulatory standards. Data show that the companies rarely test finished products for these heavy metals, relying instead on primary tests conducted on ingredients.
Children’s Health Defense dated 8 February 2021 published this pregnancy document “Baby Food Makers Knowingly Sell Products With High Levels of Toxic Metals”.
Internal company documents reveal that top baby food makers knowingly sell baby food containing toxic heavy metals including inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury at levels that exceed federal safety limits by hundreds of times, according to Congressional investigators who released their report on Feb. 4.
All of these heavy metals are linked to cancer, chronic disease and neurotoxic effects, with devastating harms to developing baby’s brains. According to the report’s summary:
“The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization have declared them dangerous to human health, particularly to babies and children, who are most vulnerable to their neurotoxic effects. Even low levels of exposure can cause serious and often irreversible damage to brain development.”
[Marilyn comment] Apart from the appalling information you will learn by clicking this link, breakfast cereals in general are really bad for you. Just check the labels on what you are buying and you will be stunned at the high sugar levels, etc found. Sugar is associated with high dental decay and the reason that governments use to fluoridate our drinking water!
In 2019 an Irish lady did a video on the anticipated epidemic of diabetes to hit Ireland by 2030. She blamed the high sugar content contained in many foods. Her video gave me a wake up call especially with regards to the few canned foods that was eating. I was stunned at the high level of sugar contained in simple things like baked beans, spaghetti and canned tomatoes. Make sure you check your labels before buying.
Did you know that 1 teaspoon of sugar is enough to take the immune system down for 2 hours? Ever wonder how much sugar is in a large bottle of coke? Years ago, I was told 11 teaspoons and then of course they brought out Zero which is even worse as it contains artificial neurotoxins. On the side menu bar click the Aspartame Truth page and then you will understand for yourself. It also contains caffeine – so what! This provides an addiction. So, you have a glass and then a couple of hours later your body says “hey I need another caffeine fix – so you have another glass, and another”!
What do you see when you enter your supermarket lined up across the very front of the stores right in front of the checkouts – coke and all the other harmful products that none of us should be consuming!
People you can stop this. Stop buying these products. If they sit on the shelf and don’t sell then the store won’t stock them. Let’s face it they are only there for the profit and not your health!
Children’s Health Defense dated 20 August 2019 published this pregnancy article “Prenatal Ultrasound—Not So Sound After All”
Prenatal ultrasound is a taken-for-granted component of modern maternity care, to such an extent that most obstetrician-gynecologists find it impossible to practice their profession without it. American women now routinely undergo four to five ultrasounds per pregnancy. Despite the absence of demonstrated benefits, there is also a trend toward “new applications of ultrasound…at earlier stages in pregnancy” (p. 47), including Doppler fetal heart rate monitoring that magnifies the unborn baby’s exposure many fold.
A Scottish physician developed the first 2D ultrasound machine in the late 1950s. Intended for prenatal scanning as well as gynecological tumor diagnosis, the machine drew on the doctor’s prior experience with military radar technology. Now, the latest growth sector in ultrasound technology is 3D imaging (which shows the baby’s face) or 4D ultrasound that creates a “live video effect, like a movie”—luring parents into stockpiling “keepsake” footage of their baby’s in utero facial expressions.
Please read the article.
[Marilyn comment] For years I have been reading about the harm caused to baby’s with ultrasounds and also the gel that is used in an ultrasound – often contains harmful bacteria which could infect the baby. Articles are already on this website.
NaturalHealth365 dated 6 November 2018 published this article “Pediatric cancer linked to childhood vaccines, sobering NEW TRENDS revealed”. Here is an excerpt:
“Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia, osteosarcoma, Wilms tumor, neuroblastoma – the rise of these and other types of pediatric cancer has been causing deep concern for public health officials, parents, and doctors alike.
What’s behind the increasing prevalence? Many point to aggressive campaigning for vaccines – and new testing technology is now showing that these vaccines have likely been loaded with hidden contaminants, including cancer-causing viruses, all along.
NaturalHealth365 dated 4 November 2018 published this article “HPV vaccine lowers probability of pregnancy, study reveals” Here is an excerpt:
“The list of alarming HPV vaccine side effects and health problems just got longer. A study funded by Wasserman Endowment at Baruch College has found women in their late 20s who receive the vaccination have difficulty becoming pregnant.
Despite this news plus the many other disturbing HPV vaccine side effects and health issues), the manufacturer Merck is looking to expand its market of this vaccination to even more groups and demographics.
Sadly, this is an all too familiar pattern of government ‘health’ officials and the pharmaceutical industry pushing unsafe vaccines.”
NaturalNews dated 2 October published this article “Dr. Brian Hooker debunks the myth that vaccines are “safe” for pregnant women”. Here is an excerpt and make sure you watch the video.
“Despite the claims of safety, Dr. Brian Hooker is speaking out about the fraudulent science being used to promote the vaccine agenda. According to Dr. Hooker, a past study held by up the industry as “evidence” that it is safe to inoculate pregnant women is actually nothing more than a farce, and is another piece of vaccine propaganda put out by Big Pharma and their lackeys. The tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine has been recommended for pregnant women since 2012, but it turns out the alleged evidence of safety is woefully lacking.
NewsTarget on 2 October 2018 published this article “Cancellation of government contract PROVES the FDA has been buying aborted baby parts for medical research”. The article goes on to say
“Despite claims to the contrary, the Trump administration has just proven that the FDA has indeed been buying and using aborted baby parts for medical research. As it turns out, the federal agency quietly signed a contract to obtain “fresh” fetal tissue from a California non-profit called Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR). The plan was to implant the aborted baby tissue into humanized mice for medical research — but the Trump administration has taken a stand by putting the kibosh on the FDA’s controversial contract.”
Read the pregnancy article for more information.
Click this link dated 16 August 2018 to read more of this article:
“Babies and toddlers are particularly vulnerable due to their smaller size and developing brains and organ systems,” says James E. Rogers, Ph.D., director of food safety research and testing at Consumer Reports (CR). “They also absorb more of the heavy metals that get into their bodies than adults do.” CR food safety team analyzed 50 nationally distributed packaged foods made for babies and toddlers, checking for cadmium, lead, mercury, and inorganic arsenic, the type most harmful to health. Troubling findings: Every product had measurable levels of at least one of these heavy metals: cadmium, inorganic arsenic, or lead.”
GreenMedia, 27 November 2013. Low risk birth, in which the mother takes responsibility during the pregnancy to eat right and exercise; in which the baby is head down and delivers after 37 weeks, is pretty much a sure thing at homebirth unless the fetus has congenital malformations incompatible with life, or the provider breaks the water causing a cord prolapse. Head down full term babies that survived 9 months of pregnancy, don't suddenly die as they come out. The studies that find homebirth to have 3 (Wax) or 10 times (Grunebaum) more perinatal death than hospital birth are lying. They never provide any hypothesis or theory for why homebirth would be more dangerous because it isn’t.
Are you currently pregnant? Then perhaps you should take the time to read the Green Media article dated 15th July 2014 where they speak about ultrasound risks. I have read other articles where it has been suggested that sometimes the gel used contains bacteria.
This is disgraceful!
On 16 June NaturalNews brings information on baby bottles from “AVENT, Born Free, Green to Grow, Evenflo and Weil Baby all emit high or very high levels of hormone-altering chemicals, says new research published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health. (1)
"Many PC-replacement-products made from acrylic, polystyrene,
polyethersulfone, and Tritan resins leached chemicals with [estrogenic
activity], including products made for use by babies. Exposure to various forms
of UV radiation often increased the leaching of chemicals with estrogenic
activity," write the study authors.”
Please click this link to learn more
Prevent Disease on 14 June 2013 advise that:
“Nestle and Mead Johnson Nutrition recently dismissed calls to remove genetically-modified organisms (GMO) from their infant formula products in the US and now evidence is coming forth on long-term risks related to infant formulations. Epidemiological research has indicated a relationship between infant formula feeding and increased risk of chronic diseases later in life including obesity, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Researchers stated that the comprehensive metabolic implications of formula vs breast-feeding play a role in long-term health risks.”
Please take the time to click on the link and read the article.
On 23 March 2013 VacTruth brings information with risks for excessive immune stimulation. They show you powerful information in this regard but say:
”Before I show you how vaccines are causing inflammation in pregnant women, though, I think it is wise to consider the counsel of economist Milton Friedman. He once said, “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”
Dr Mercola on 26 September 2017 has published this article “Flu Vaccination During Early Pregnancy Linked to Nearly Eightfold Risk of Miscarriage”. Here we are FOUR YEARS AFTER the article referred to above and still we are vaccinating pregnant women for flu! Dr Mercola’s story at a glance:
NaturalNews dated 19 July 2016 brings the pregnancy story of an Australian woman who gave birth in a rainforest stream. Read her amazing story. Congratulations on having the courage to do what you knew was right for you and your babe. I wish there were more people like you!
Dr Kelly Brogan published pregnancy information on “Human Studies Condemn Ultrasound”. The article goes on to say:
“According to Jim West, who has compiled the largest bibliography of human ultrasound studies:
“Unknown to Western scientists, the hazards of ultrasound have been confirmed in China since the late 1980s, where thousands of women, volunteering for abortion, thousands of maternal-fetal pairs, were exposed to carefully controlled diagnostic ultrasound and the abortive matter then analyzed via laboratory techniques.”
Involving 100 scientists and 2700 mother-fetal pairs, the data from approximately 65 studies do not appear on the NIH’s Pubmed, but can be found on Chinese databases. The studies employed electron microscopy, flow cytometry, and various biochemical analysis (immuno- and histo-) with results compared against those of sham-exposed pregnant women (exposed at zero intensity). Assessing brain, kidney, cornea, chorionic villi, and the immune system, researchers determined the amount of ultrasound exposure required to produce damage to the human fetus to be very low.”
Please read the article before you agree to having an ultrasound especially if you are having one for your own enjoyment and not because there may be a problem with your baby.
GreenMedia on 17 November 2015 provides a great article on an holistic approach to the pregnancy and the effect on your unborn foetus. Please take the time to read this article
GreenMedia on 8 October 2015 asks the burning question
The very thought horrifies me but in today’s age does not surprise me.
The article goes on to say:
“According to CDC paperwork, both the Tdap and the Dtap are vaccinations offered to pregnant women during pregnancy, supposedly to protect their newborn infant from contracting pertussis (whooping cough) in the first few weeks of life.
However, despite recommending these vaccinations to all pregnant women, the CDC readily admits in their own documentation that neither vaccine has ever been tested during pregnancy for vaccine safety and that they have no idea whether the vaccines could harm a growing fetus.
In other words, by recommending these vaccinations to pregnant women, the CDC is fully prepared to use unborn babies as part of a massive vaccine experiment. What is even more worrying is the fact that, in doing this, they are potentially risking the lives of millions of unborn babies.
Why would the CDC do this?
Health Impact News decided to investigate this issue more carefully, and what we uncovered may shock and horrify you.”
Please take the time to read this article before submitting to vaccination during pregnancy.
Pregnant women need to know the truth about breastfeeding ”Mother’s milk, time-tested for millions of years, is the best nutrient for babies because it is nature’s perfect food.” – Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
Even, the World Health Organization admits that “if every child was breastfed within an hour of birth, given only breast milk for their first six months of life, and continued breastfeeding up to the age of two years, about 800 000 child lives would be saved every year.’ If you ask me, that’s an awesome statement – which validates the value of breastfeeding.
GreenMedia, 27 November 2013. Low risk birth, in which the mother takes responsibility during the pregnancy to eat right and exercise, in which the baby is head down and delivers after 37 weeks, is pretty much a sure thing at homebirth unless the fetus has congenital malformations incompatible with life, or the provider breaks the water causing a cord prolapse. Head down full term babies that survived 9 months of pregnancy, dont suddenly die as they come out. The studies that find homebirth to have 3 (Wax) or 10 times (Grunebaum) more perinatal death than hospital birth are lying. They never provide any hypothesis or theory for why homebirth would be more dangerous because it isn’t.
Prevent Disease on 14 June 2013 advise that:
“Nestle and Mead Johnson Nutrition recently dismissed calls to remove genetically-modified organisms (GMO) from their infant formula products in the US and now evidence is coming forth on long-term risks related to infant formulations. Epidemiological research has indicated a relationship between infant formula feeding and increased risk of chronic diseases later in life including obesity, type-2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Researchers stated that the comprehensive metabolic implications of formula vs breast-feeding play a role in long-term health risks.”
Please take the time to click on the link and read the article.
On 23 March 2013 VacTruth brings information with risks for excessive immune stimulation. They show you powerful information in this regard but say:
”Before I show you how vaccines are causing inflammation in pregnant women, though, I think it is wise to consider the counsel of economist Milton Friedman. He once said, “One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”
Dr Mercola on 26 September 2017 has published this article “Flu Vaccination During Early Pregnancy Linked to Nearly Eightfold Risk of Miscarriage”. Here we are FOUR YEARS AFTER the article referred to above and still we are vaccinating pregnant women for flu! Dr Mercola’s story at a glance:
Hear what Barbara Loe Fisher has to say on this subject.
NaturalNews on 31 May 2013 advises the importance of not cutting the umbilical cord as soon as the baby is born. The article goes on to say:
“Cutting the baby's umbilical cord immediately after birth has been a standard procedure in hospitals for decades. According to several recent studies, however, babies whose umbilical cords are instantly severed - thus depriving them of the blood still traveling to their bodies from the placenta - suffer from iron deficiencies for up to six months. Since low iron levels have been linked to neural development problems, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has considered updating its birthing guidelines to accommodate this important information.”
Click on the link and read the full article.
On 30 May 2015 I received an article from NaturalNews with regards to the fall rate of the hand out of free formula to new mothers. Has the medical world finally come to its senses and realized that breast feeding a baby is the optimal way to go? That feeding babies on soy based formula is causing so much harm particularly due to the fact that the soy is genetically modified. If you don’t know about genetically modified then click here.
One day I hope to be reading an article on pregnancy saying that caesarian section is on the decline. Apart from the need from a medical emergency perspective. Again I have read so much on the importance of the baby coming through the birth canal and what a baby misses out on when born via caesarian.
NaturalNews on 28 September 2014 provides information on a fungicide used on bananas. Researchers from the National University of Costa Rica and published in the journal Environmental Health Perspective on 8 September 2014 found that women living near agricultural fields had an accumulation of ethylene thiourea (ETU) in their urine.
If the women are able to accumulate this just by living near the fields what happens when ANYONE eats the bananas that have been sprayed by this fungus. We are all aware that our skin and the skin of fruit is not impregnable. So if it is sprayed on the fruit then it will be found in the fruit!
This is one of the reasons why I soak every bit of produce from our own organic garden as well as what I buy from the supermarkets, etc.
Would you be interested in using a product that may be able to reduce some of the herbicide and pesticide content of your food? Below is a picture of what happened with the product I use when I was making pea and ham soup and soaked the split green peas and then during the cooking added some that I hadn’t had time to soak. What a massive difference. Email me at this link to find out
Pregnancy Page brings information from GreenMedia dated 15 September 2014 which provides an understanding of the importance of the microbiome in both mother and baby. Our knowledge about some of the things that have been put aside over the years with what was believed to be a “modernization” of childbirth is shown to be detrimental to both mum and babe. This is quite an interesting concept and Pregnancy Page urges you to take the time to learn what to do for the benefit of you both. The article goes on to say:
“As Maya Angelou says, "We did then, what we knew how to do. Now that we know better, we do better."
An effort to do better must be characterized by an appreciation of the most powerful determinant of not only our health, but our very existence in the fabric of life on this earth – the microbiome. In a powerful essay, A holobiont birth narrative: the epigenetic transmission of the human microbiome, the mother-baby unit is reconceptualized to include the microbial populations in the mother, fetus, and then infant. These microbial communities are reconfigured throughout pregnancy, influenced by birth modality, and by breastfeeding in a way that reflects our co-evolution with the microbial world. In this way,
Obstetrics has traditionally regarded the woman and fetus as two largely separate entities coexisting during gestation, a perspective upended by the advent of epigenetic science and our understanding of the relevance of a woman's lifestyle preconception and during pregnancy. From a gene-centric paradigm, pregnancy complications were not preventable, and genes ruled any manifest pathology. Through the lens of the holobiont, however, genetic information passed from mother to baby includes nuclear, mitochondrial, and bacterial genes, and the bacteria themselves carry out many epigenetic processes that influence the expression of genes including detoxification of chemicals, production of nutrients, and foods.
An appreciation for holistic pregnancy care and birthing – the midwifery model – looks at the mother-baby unit and prizes the powerful dialogue between the two. One of the more profound examples of bidirectional influence is that of microchimerism, or the influence of the baby on the mother's physiology, a near sci-fi suggestion of cellular enmeshment between mom and baby.”
Interested in learning about the foods that may harm you and what you should be eating for the health of you and your baby then click this link to read the article from GreenMedia dated 24 July 2014.
NaturalNews on 16 September 2014 brings information on breast feeding a baby for its first six months has positive long term health benefits with regards to their immunity and gut flora. Please click this link to read the full article and then I suggest that you take a look at the information on PubMed with regards to making baby formula with fluoridated water. The conclusion of the article:
“The fluoride content of water used to reconstitute infant formulae has a greater impact on fluoride intake of fully formula-fed infants than the fluoride content of the powdered infant formulae. Infants fully formula-fed on formulae prepared with optimally fluoridated water (0.7-1.0 mg/L) have a high probability of exceeding the UL for fluoride and are at increased risk of dental fluorosis.”
If you don’t know very much about the effects of artificial fluoride compounds on our bodies then please just check the menu bar on the left hand side of this page to find several pages of fluoride information.
Were you planning on having a home birth until you found you were expecting twins? Green Media on 7 July 2014 provides information on this subject. I found this to be a very interesting read particularly as one of my sisters gave birth, unexpectedly, to twins. No one knew she was expecting them until baby number 2 arrived very shortly after baby number 1. Please read the article.
Green Media provides information dated 2 April 2013. Click this link to read the article but make sure you watch the YouTube to learn about the formulas containing genetically modified soy.
NaturalNews on 4 September 2013 brings new research which was published in the Environmental Science & Technology has found that the plastics chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) is harmful and persistent in humans at current exposure levels. This latest assessment has concluded that 100% of both young and unborn children now have BPA circulating in their bloodstreams.
Click the link and learn more.
Pregnancy page brings information from NaturalNews dated 17 April 2013 with regards to the high levels of lead being found in baby foods. Most people associate products coming from China to be responsible for these occurrences but in this case these foods have been produced in the United States. Read the article to learn more.
NaturalNews on 17 March 2013 advise:
“Children delivered by C-section are significantly more likely to have abnormally reactive immune systems that make them prone to asthma and allergies, according to a study conducted by researchers at Henry Ford Hospital and presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Please read the full article to learn more
Pro-fluoride proponents continually sprout the rhetoric how “safe and effective” fluoridation of public water supplies with a toxic chemical substance is. NOWHERE in the world have studies been done to ascertain either the safety or efficacy of this practice. Check the side bar and see the many pages on fluoridation on this website!
Now I am reading about off-label medical intervention employed in the U.S. on pregnant women to intentionally engineer the development of their fetuses for sex normalization purposes. Please read this article to understand the dangers involved with this procedure.
“Women genetically identified as being at risk are given dexamethasone, a synthetic steroid, off-label starting as early as week five of the first trimester to try to "normalize" the development of those fetuses, which are female and CAH-affected. Because the drug must be administered before doctors can know if the fetus is female or CAH-affected, only one in eight of those exposed are the target type of fetus.”
I came across this wonderful document on using essential oils and taking supplements during pregnancy. All the information pertaining in this document refers ONLY to the use of Young Living Essential Oils. These essential oils are of therapeutic grade quality and can be used in ways that other essential oils may not be. If you would like more information on Young Living Essential Oils when you have finished reading this article then please click on this link and use the contact button or the email form at the bottom of this page.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did. I only wish that I had known of information like this when I had my children!
Pregnancy page brings an article from NaturalNews dated 15 August 2011 with regards to babies being forced onto formula feeding instead of breast feeding due to the IV fluids given to their mothers during the birth process. Read the article to learn more about this so that you are better informed and may be able to delay making your decision a further 24 hours in order to give the baby time to regulate its own hydration system.
Pregnancy information page brings results from a new study on pregnant women in Northern California which finds they have the largest evidence of PBDE flame retardant exposures in pregnant women. They believe that this exposure can affect their fetus’s brain development. The study was published in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology.
On 14 June 2011 Orthomolecular Medicine brings information with regard to undernourishment in pregnancy and the vulnerability of the fetus to type 2 diabetes. In other parts of this website I frequently cover the need for people to take responsibility for their own health. The minerals are deficient in most soils and therefore it is so important for people to use mineral supplementation.
Most people don’t realize that for vitamins to be able to do their job they need the correct mineral to act as a catalyst to enable the particular vitamin to do its job. I have been using vitamin and mineral supplements since 1996. These supplements have been guaranteed to contain only safe ingredients.
Contact me at this link if you are interested in learning more. .
Pregnancy page brings information from NaturalNews dated 22 April 2011 with regards to three new studies which have revealed that our children are being “dumbed” down by pesticides. One of the main culprits appears to be organophosphate pesticides.
July 2020: Over the past several years I have been reading about the world wide education curriculum being dumbed down dating back to the 60’s. I am 78 this year and the education that I received would be nothing like the education our children are currently getting. I have also read on many occasions that our history books are being rewritten to reflect the “story” that they want the world to believe and not the truth of what has happened. I believe it is up to parents to see that their children receive a well rounded education to give them some life skills to survive in this world.
Many women would like to breast feed their babies but for many reasons are unable to do so. We learn that infant formula is not always as easy for babies to digest as breast milk and nor will it contain some of the benefits of breast milk.
We also learn that children born through the birth canal gets a boost to their immune system on the way through where babies born by caesarean miss out on this.
Please read this article with regard to what you can do to overcome this. You will see that the use of a probiotic is recommended and below is information on a very good probiotic/prebiotic and how to use it for infants.
Pregnancy page
brings information dated 17 January 2011 with regard to a new study from the
University of California, San Francisco which reveals that 100 percent of
expectant mothers (sample size = 268) are contaminated with highly toxic
synthetic chemicals. The study, published in Environmental Health
Perspectives, concluded, "Certain
PCBs, organochlorine pesticides, PFCs, phenols, PBDEs, phthalates, polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and perchlorate were detected in 99 to 100% of
pregnant women."
These chemicals are known to exhibit various harmful effects on human biology, covering everything from neurological and infertility problems to cancer and hormonal disorders. Many of the chemicals found in these women have been banned for not just years, but decades.
Pregnancy page brings information on an article from Dr Mercola dated 31 December 2009 with regard to babies who were fed soy formula standing more of a chance of developing uterine fibroids.
Dr Mercola goes further in saying that in his opinion “soy formula is the absolute most dangerous food you can give your baby.” He also believes that infants that have been fed soy formula have an increased risk of behavioral problems.
Pregnancy page brings an article from Mike Adams of NaturalNews on how the United Kingdom public health system is strained to cope and yet they are still putting down home births which would help to relieve this situation.
The promoters of vaccines never seem to stop and they seem to be tireless in their targeting of pregnant women and young children.
A vaccine over-rides the body’s natural immune system!
Now they are speaking about a new vaccine for pregnant women to prevent against Group B Streptococcus (GBS). They plan to vaccinate all pregnant women and so about 70% of women who would not need this vaccine will also be included in the roundup!
I personally feel positive that if a pregnant woman was in good health, eating correctly and not pre-packaged foods, organic fruit and vegetables and was watching what she was using on her body in the way of personal care and not drinking water contaminated with fluoride that she is more than likely to have a 100% healthy infant. After all isn’t this nature’s way before man got in on the act and started to contaminate everything that they touched!
They are doing the same with the Gardasil Vaccine for women and young girls and I suggest you read what is happening in this regard by clicking on this link. Then click on the link below to see what they are proposing.
Researchers have found that a baby’s immune system arises from an entirely different source to the mothers. Please read this article.
Mike Adams from NaturalNews on 27 December 2010 brings information pertaining to children having better motor skills when mothers received the right nutrition during pregnancy:
"Micronutrient inadequacy is a critical concern among pregnant women and young children throughout the world," explained Parul Christian, Dr.P.H., from Johns Hopkins University, and his colleagues in their study paper. "Gestation and the early postnatal period are considered sensitive periods for brain development, and nutritional deprivation during this period may lead to functional impairments."
Disturbing news for Pregnancy page. For the life of me I cannot understand the mentality of anyone who would produce a baby formula that contains toxic ingredients! It is beyond belief! Click the link and read the article.
Scroll through Pregnancy Page to the heading “Breastfeeding” to see more information on baby formulas.
19 September 2010, I received important information from Dr Mercola on a test that all pregnant women should undertake to prevent early-onset severe preeclampsia. Please click on the link to read the article.
I have much delight in bringing you information on pregnancy. I have three children who were born very close together (3 under 31 months) and when the youngest was about 9 months old I remember saying to my husband “it will be sad not to have a baby in the house” but being a realistic person I realized you could not go on having babies year after year!
I always felt that when your child started to achieve so many things in that first 12 months of their lives that you, yourself, looked at the world with different eyes. I felt I was looking at the world through the eyes of my babies and sensed the pride in their achievements when they sat up, stood for the first time and took their first steps.
Pregnancy is such a wonderful state to be in! To all the women who may read this website, who are pregnant, all I can say is that I hope you enjoy your pregnancy as much as I did.
Well my baby is now 51 years of age (2020) and since his birth so much has come to light and so much has been understood about the harm that can be caused to a fetus. Some of it good news and some of it not so good! I would like to share this with you in an endeavor to make sure that your pregnancy is a safe one, both for you and your baby, and that your baby is born healthy and will grow up with the best start in life.
I sincerely believe that our health is entirely our own responsibility and if you are a mother or a father then that responsibility falls on you for the care of your children.
I ask you all – please do not just accept what you are told – but go away and do your own research and not just from one source but from many different sources and then, and only then, make your decisions. Your life and the life of your child may depend on this decision. I consider this research even more important during pregnancy and the early formative years of your child.
The Daily Telegraph on 16 July 2003 published an article called Shampoo can damage unborn sons
“A common chemical used in a range of products from shampoo to plastics, may cause infertility in boys while they are still in the womb, it emerged yesterday.
Mothers to be may unwittingly be putting their sons at risk of defective sex organs, low sperm counts and even cancer, by washing their hair or using make-up. Substances called phthalates used in shampoos, conditioners, skin lotions and make-up are linked to an increased rate of abnormalities and infertility.
A two year experiment on rats showed that phthalates disrupt the male hormone testosterone during fetal development, doubling the rate of defects. Researchers believe that in some cases they may increase the risk of testicular cancer later in life.
Phthalates are often not listed as ingredients so people do not even know they are using them.
The number of infant boys suffering the two most common forms of genital abnormality has doubled in 50 years.
Wikipedia tells us that:
“Phthalates, or phthalate esters, are esters of phthalic acid and are mainly used as plasticizers (substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity). They are primarily used to soften polyvinyl chloride. Phthalates are being phased out of many products in the United States and European Union over health concerns.”
I suggest that you click on this link and see what Wikipedia has to say. It was interesting that under Legal Status the EU has restricted the use for children since 1999.
While on the subject of phthalates – if you find it necessary to bottle feed your baby then please ONLY USE GLASS BOTTLES. The reason I say this is that it is perfectly safe to put the babies formula into the plastic bottle but the moment you heat the milk the phthalates leach from the bottle into the milk. Phthalates are believed to be carcinogens. Also please do not heat your baby’s bottle in the microwave! By microwaving the milk you kill any nutrition that may be contained. I have also read studies that tested people’s blood and then gave them microwaved food and the composition of their blood had changed!
Also be careful of the plastic toys that you buy your babies/children – especially the ones that they put in their mouths!
Dr Mercola brings us a report of June 2009
“In June, food and chemical lobbyists met in Washington, DC to save the toxic plastic chemical BPA. Their internal meeting memos revealed a dangerous and unethical strategy to keep your family eating and drinking from BPA-laden containers, despite the mounting scientific evidence that exposure to even extremely low levels of BPA can impact health, particularly during early infancy.” Click on the link to read the article.
More information can be found by clicking here.
The fight is still continuing today, December 2010, to have BPA removed from products including the white linings in your cans. We all need to be proactive in approach our members of Parliament and DEMAND that BPA be removed from all areas of our lives.
This is extremely important to every individual if you want to maintain any reasonable level of health for you ad your family.
Sadly this same scenario applies across many fronts in our everyday lives. For example:
You may think that I am out of line in speaking out about, say for example, fluoridation and vaccination.
Before you dismiss me out of hand with the information I am bringing to you, please go back to the main menu on this Healthymoneyvine website and you will see numerous pages on fluoride/fluoridation, vaccination, vaccine side effects, H1N1, Swine Flu, Gardasil, Teflon, Aspartame and many different pages on health news that comes to hand. All of these pages are continually updated with latest information that I receive and I believe should be passed onto my readers.
THEN I ask you to personally seek information from other sources which will validate the information on this website.
PLEASE do not search out information on fluoride from such places as:
Why do I say this?
Many of these agencies etc started out with good intentions but now there is overwhelming scientific data which is disproving their original stance/thoughts on fluoridation. For whatever their reasons albeit not prepared to say they were wrong in the first place or they are running a hidden agenda all I can say is that the countries that are fluoridating are HELL BENT ON FLUORIDATING EVERYONE NO MATTER WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES ARE TO HUMANS, FLORA OR FAUNA.
On one of my fluoride pages I have several scientific clinical studies on the impact of fluoride on the IQ of the unborn foetus.
Now in December 2010 a report on Serum Fluoride Levels and Children’s IQ.
This report takes into account every known variable which might impact on the actual scientific research end results.
So you now have a comprehensive, unbiased, scientific study implicating the lowering of children’s IQ from fluoride.
How are you finding the information in Pregnancy Page? Email me in the contact form below and let me know. I always appreciate feedback as this helps me to know what information to provide in the future.
Pregnancy is so easy for some and so difficult for others. More and more people are having difficulties in conceiving children and are seeking help at fertility clinics. We all should be asking ourselves why is the incidence of couples seeking help growing so quickly?
On another issue entirely, but one very relevant to pregnancy as well. Why are we seeing so many people these days with hip, shoulder and knee replacements? Could it be the fluoridation of our water? Drinking fluoridated water while pregnant could harm your baby’s skeletal system and will more than like damage the formation of their teeth and the first teeth will come through mottled and this is called dental Fluorosis. There is also research that shows that the first teeth are slow in erupting. I believe from all the research that I have read that dental Fluorosis is a sign that the body has skeletal Fluorosis. May I suggest that you click on this link and read some of the information contained in the page.
Pregnancy brings more information on chemicals affecting male fertility. Click on the link to read the article. Then click on this link to read Dr Mercola’s advice on how to address your root causes of infertility.
Many people don’t even realize that many products on the market contain ingredients that can cause them, and especially their unborn babies, and children harm. Dr John Lee in his tape on Oestrogen Deception advises us that the personal care products being used by the mother can do damage to the fetus in the first 35 days of its life. Some of these ingredients are probably in products you have sitting on your shelves right now – products that you thought were perfectly safe. As a result of this your immune system becomes weaker and compromised over the years. Dr John Lee also tells us this may contribute to many of the degenerative diseases later on in life.
You can give your kids a healthier start by taking the potentially harmful personal care and household products out of their lives from the very beginning. Remember that what you put on your skin passes through the skin and into your organs and your blood stream. The skin IS NOT A BARRIER as once was believed and now it is understood that it is one of the quickest ways to get things into the bloodstream hence the nicotine patches and heart patches.
Please don’t be dismayed by what you have read! This Pregnancy Page is not meant to scare you but to give you information so that you can make informed decisions throughout your pregnancy and also throughout your life!
There are products available which are safe and in some cases very beneficial to you at the same time.
I am involved in several MLM companies that can provide safe personal care products and also good nutritional supplements.
One of these companies has a line of children’s products that are safe, gentle and effective. These products are non-toxic and free of the questionable ingredients commonly used in most children’s formulations. These products also contain therapeutic grade essential oils which can help children relax and unwind after a busy day.
Check on this link below and see the products designed specifically for babies and children. Also the great range of supplements, personal care and essential oils which are available by clicking on both of the links below.
It was back in 1996 when I first started to learn about harmful ingredients in personal care products and I remember visiting my son and his family in New Zealand not long after. My first grandson was about 12 months at the time and I was telling his mother what I had learned and together we went into the bathroom and checked the labels on a very prominent brand of baby products and found that every one of them contained harmful ingredients. My daughter in law said “what would you do” and I said “If he were my child - I would throw them all out and she said “well do it!”
I have been using safe supplements, personal care and household products since this time. Contact me at this link to find out what I am using.
I also have access to a range of sanitary products that come in food grade sterile package and are made from raw cotton and medical grade paper rather than recycled material. They are 100% Food Biodegradable and will biodegrade in 7-90 day unlike the products available at supermarkets and chemists which are made with materials that have been bleached (to make them white) possibly with chlorine compounds that contain traces of the organochlorine – dioxin. They are also made of recycled materials which may contain trace amounts of copper, lead and zinc. Many of these napkins can harbor bacteria as they are not sterile products.
These sanitary products also contain an Anion Strip. What is an anion strip? It is a strip containing negative ions.
“Negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness and more mental energy says Pierce J Howard, Phd, author of the <b>Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research</b> and director of research at the Centre of Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte N.C.”
Negative ions have many healing properties:
Products that are available that contain Anion strips which incidentally have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and some of the products have been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the last of them are going through TGA approval right now (March 2010).
Please contact me at for further information.
Take the time and watch the YouTube below – 3 minutes. This YouTube is on a baby with what they call Scalded Skin syndrome which is a bacterial infection. In one week the Anion Strips healed this baby and what a difference from a child in terrible trouble and probably a lot of pain to a happy, smiling baby. Negative Ions have the ability to kill 99.9% of bacterial infection.
If you would like further information on any of these products which incidentally are available in 30 different countries of the world, then please use the email form below.
Pregnancy Page brings you information on how breastfeeding protects the hearts of mothers. This is written by Melissa Sokulski on 24 April 2009 in Natural News.
”Breastfeeding has long been known to be good for mother and baby. La Leche League International lists many benefits, including that breast-milk is easy for the baby to digest, and has natural antibodies protecting the baby against bacteria and viruses. Now a new study by the University of Pittsburgh has shown that breastfeeding protects women from heart disease, heart attacks and strokes as well.
Published in the May issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the study finds that if a woman breastfeeds for one year or more, she is ten percent less likely to have heart attacks, heart disease or strokes. Dr. Eleanor Bilma Schwarz, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh and author of the study says, "Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women, so it's vitally important for us to know what we can do to protect ourselves."
This link covers this information. This link cover information on the truth about infant formula and the this link gives information from the World Health Information on breast feeding your baby for the first six months and how it could save the lives of around 13% of babies.
Pregnancy page brings you a very good reason why not to have your baby in a hospital!
Sherry Baker on 9 July 2009 in Natural News advises:
”It's scary enough to have a newborn baby in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) because he or she is premature or has health problems. But now there's reason to worry that many NICUs, places that are supposed to be dedicated to healing and protecting the youngest and most fragile of babies, are actually dangerous environments for neonates. According to a new study just published in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, superbug infections -- specifically antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections -- in US NICUs increased over 300 percent in less than ten years.” Click on the link and read the article.
Can the umbilical cord of your baby be cut prematurely and cause damage? Read this link to find out.
Dr Mercola asks ”Can these household chemicals crush your son’s masculinity?”
“Elevated levels of two plastic-softening chemicals in pregnant women's urine are linked to less-masculine play behavior by their sons several years later, according to a study published in the International Journal of Andrology. Phthalates, which are used in everything from vinyl floors to plastic tubing and soaps and lotions, are pervasive in the environment and have increasingly become associated with changes in development of the male brain as well as with genital defects, metabolic abnormalities and reduced testosterone in babies and adults. A team of U.S. and British researchers posed a standard play questionnaire to the parents of 145 preschool-age children. Then they ranked the types of play on a scale from most masculine (such as play fighting or using trucks) to most feminine. An effect was identified among the sons of women with higher concentrations of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) in their prenatal urine. On average, those boys scored 8 percent further away from the masculine end of the scale than other boys.
Pregnancy information:
Not long ago scientists thought that the placenta shielded cord blood — and the developing baby — from most chemicals and pollutants in the environment. But now we know that at this critical time when organs, vessels, membranes and systems are knit together from single cells to finished form in a span of weeks, the umbilical cord carries not only the building blocks of life, but also a steady stream of industrial chemicals, pollutants and pesticides that cross the placenta as readily as residues from cigarettes and alcohol. This is the human "body burden" — the pollution in people that permeates everyone in the world, including babies in the womb.
In a study spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in collaboration with Commonweal, researchers at two major laboratories found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies born in August and September of 2004 in U.S. hospitals. Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the group. The umbilical cord blood of these 10 children, collected by Red Cross after the cord was cut, harbored pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage. Read the article
Pregnancy page brings you the following YouTubes on women who thought that they were not toxic.
Jen Pinter – I thought No way was I going to get the toxic results that I received
Jen Pinter – Oh my phthalates
Well Pregnancy Page became rather a long page with heaps of information. I hope you have enjoyed reading Pregnancy page and that you have gained some insight into taking care of yourself during your pregnancy and for taking care of your family.
If you found the information in Pregnancy page of use to you would you mind referring this website onto your friends so that you can help them also?
One of the reasons that I take the time to put this total website together and do pages like Pregnancy is to get information out to people world-wide. In hindsight I wish a lot of this information had been available when my babies were little as I know there would have been a lot of things that I would have done differently!